So I have started this blog for one reason, and one reason only to have a way to communicate what is going on in my life while I am away from my family. For those of you who do not know what is going on I am applying to be apart of the Journeyman Program. If I am excepted into the program I will be overseas for two years. During that time I will be hopefully living and sharing the love of Christ in Southern Africa. Right now I am in the third phase of the application process. This phase is the most critical one. I basically tell the International Mission Board (IMB) everything about me and everything I have ever done. In a roundabout way they will know me better then my own family.
Some people may ask why do I want to go overseas? Well they are not the only ones. My mom and granny really don't understand fully why but they understand that God is behind all of this and they support me even if they are not happy about the situation.
I am going because the Lord has called me to go and serve him over seas. I am really excited about this opportunity, but also I am going to miss my family and friends. This decision has not been an easy one. I have gone back and forth as to wither I should apply to go or not. The whole thing started about 3 years ago when I knew that I was supposed to to the international mission field. It took about 6 months for me to figure out where exactly I was supposed to go. The Lord laid a village in west Niger on my hart as a place to go. I went for 10 days over my Christmas Break. While I was there the team shared the love and compassion of Jesus with about 50 children in the morning at a VBS style event. In the afternoon we prayer walked the village. One afternoon the guys had the privilege of going to the village Chief's house. While there we were able to share the gospel message. The Chief was very respectful and then placed his blessing on us while we were there.
When we got back I thought this was all the Lord had in store for me on the international field for a long time. I was sadly mistaken because ever since I have been back from Niger all I have been thinking about is Africa and when am I going back. Now I have a plan and it is in full swing.