June 22, 2010


This past week I had the opportunity to go and hangout with the youth group that I will be working with come August. I was welcomed in right away as one of their own. It was one of the best feelings in the world to know that you were doing exactly what God wanted you to be doing. I not only got to know the youth but aslo some of their parents. That was a trip. I met one mom who is the lost Sugarbaker sister(reference to an old tv sitcom), along with another mom who could pass a Paula Dean.

One of the middle school youth called me one of the most hurtful things I have heard in a while. They said I was a yankee. I am know to them I am because I live farther north then them but I live below the Mason-Dixon Line and that make me a southerner. Then they said I had a cool accent and I said well it is Kentucky Redneck. They thought that was funny.

Now my youth are great! There is a group of guys that I feel like I am going to be able to connect really easy with cause they love sports. Also this is a small world cause I move to southern GA and the church I am working with has a family in it from Kentucky. Now I know I will not have to watch the UK games alone this next year.

So that is my two cents worth of what is going on in my life!


Brent Phillips said...

That is awesome. You are an Yankee

Kelsey Diane said...

That's awesome! So glad to hear that God is reaffirming what you are doing. I am getting made fun of here for having a southern accent haha.