October 13, 2009

The Philippians Complex

To start off the direction that God is taking me has totally changed since the last time I wrote. My next step is not to go to Africa after I graduate from Western Kentucky University. God has seen fit to send me to seminary to pursue a Masters degree in Biblical Counseling. I am now trying so hard to figure out which of the two seminaries he want me to attend. My two choices are Southwestern and Southeastern. Right now I am leaning towards Southeastern. I am not for sure why but that is what God has placed on my heart.

Ok, so now on to the title of this post. With all of the changes that have been happening in my life I have struggled with who I am in Christ. I did not realize this until about 3 weeks ago when I hit a brick wall. I had to humble myself at that point and go and talk to an individual who has this innate ability to see right though the mask that I have been wearing for about 3 months now. They called me out and said that I had to face this issue or it would wear me down to a point that I would not be able to function in a social situation. This really hurt me because I had prided myself on the fact that I was able to be a social person and keep myself together for the most part.

After sitting there and taking a verbal beat down from the Lord through my friend, she gave me some scripture to look at to help me reset my boundaries of life and to be able to function a Christ has wanted me to do for a long time but I have just been in the way and not allowed him to do his work. The scripture that she gave me was Philippians 2. I was instructed to take it one verse at a time and God would tell me when I allowed to move on to the next verse. The sad thing is that I have a lot of crap and muck in my life that i have to let go of before God can complete the work that he has started in me. I know that he will be faithful to complete the work that he has started in me. Through all this in the past 3 weeks the Lord has allowed me to get to the second verse. It has been a struggle that much is for sure.

The crap that I have held onto over the years had formed an image in my mind as a tall building with about 10 stories of issues that I will have to deal with. The awesome thing is that in the past 3 weeks God has taken away two of those stories and I am at peace with those situations. It is amazing to see the changes that I have made in my life. By no means am I perfect for there was only one who live here on earth that was perfect and I only try to be an imitator of his actions and thoughts.

My final thought for now is that if you are struggling with who you are in Christ start by looking at the direction Paul gives in Philippians 2:1-11. You will be surprised what he has in store for you.

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