June 11, 2009

Summer Time Fun

I have been on break now for a couple of weeks and I have not completed a single task toward my Journeyman application yet. So today I am putting together my reference over the next couple of days.

Along with the J-Man process I am working at SVBC this summer with the summer day camp program. It is something that has been a struggle for me because I am working with an age group that is harder for me to connect with. I am in love with the Middle and High School age groups. Never the less God has placed me here this summer for a reason. One I know is to love on some kiddos that have a very rough and trouble home. This has been really hard for me to deal with internally because I have grown up in a home that may not have been perfect, but it is nothing like what these kids are facing.

This past week was Vacation Bible School. To be real honest I was not really looking forward to it. Well God broke me of that is all of about 3 seconds the first day. The week was amazing. I got to see over 550 kids worshipping and praising the one and true GOD. It was a very humbling experience. During this time GOD quited me and made me listen to children sing to him. I saw GOD do some amazing things in the lives of the kids that walked in the doors of SVBC this past week. I am not sure of how many kids accepted Jesus as their lord and savior, but I know that we had 17 from the summer day camp program. One of them was a little girl from my group this week. I was so over joyed that I was doing an internal "HAPPY DANCE".

To follow up this week that was full of GOD moving amongst our Children's Ministry, I am now doing my laundry and packing to head off to Middle School Church Camp. We are heading off to Crossings Camp at Jonathan Creek. I went to this camp growing and this is the camp ground where GOD and I wrestled over several issues in my life, and GOD let me know that he was calling me to a full time ministry role. I am excited to see what HE has in store for this students as well as for me. It is going to be a great week!

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