February 20, 2011

Couch Potato to 5k!

Last three weeks I have been in the Biggest Loser at FBC Tifton! So far I have lost 13 lbs. and I have had to get smaller pants! I am super excited! But tomorrow I will be starting something that I have never tried before. I will start training for a 5k. That is right Jacob McGhee Russell will be running in a 5k not walking but running the whole thing! There is a program called "From Couch Potato to 5k" that will help me progress at slow intervals to where I am able to run the 5k. I really am not to for sure about all this because it starts a 5:30 am (for those of you like me that is in the morning and I am not a morning person). Just thought I would let you know about that stuff!

1 comment:

Brent Phillips said...

Let me knwo when you run one and I will join